Do You Have A Green Thumb? Botany’s New Gardening Experience

Mara Luna, Jonathan Rodriguez, and Melissa Stitze
Photo Taken By Jennifer Sierra

Over the past week South Lancaster Academy‘s Botany class has begun the process of starting a garden via an indoor lab full of seedlings. Some of the plants being grown include heirloom veggies, fruits and flowers and spices. Over the next remaining two months of school, students in the class will be learning what it takes to grow a healthy garden. The crops will be sold and the money given to further mission trip fundraising for next year.

Specifically, the garden’s crops will include lilies and petunias. As for veggies, there are peppers of all kinda such as sweet bell peppers and habanero, cucumbers, lettuces, tomatoes, eggplant and much more. Also thrown in the mix are various types of melons that are small and sweet!

There is much more that is in the works for the botany class, some of which involves more planting and a field trip or two. The Pioneer sat down with Mr. Huff, who took over for Mrs. Brahmia currently out on maternity leave, to find out more details about plans for this spring.

What is your vision for this class and the work they are currently doing?

Chris Millron Photo taken By Jennifer Sierra

Mr. Huff: I want to see the students walk away with a practical experience with plant science and the knowledge/ ability to apply it too.

How did you come up with the idea of using the gardens as a duel purpose; to learn about plants and get funding for mission trip?

Mr. Huff: Filling two important and pertinent needs at one time.

In working with the students of the class, do you see some students as being excited or delving into that field?Mr. Huff: Yes, some are definitely better with their hands and seem to have a better grasp and also a drive to explore further into this area of science!

Where are you planning to go on a field trip to?

Mr. Huff: We are planing to take a trip to the Pumpkin Patch, and possibly a trip to Botanical Gardens or Tower Hill.

What do you think is the advantage of taking this class?

Mr. Huff: You will have a better understanding of the world around you and how it works like what plants are edible and how to grow them.

About JayJay Sierra

I enjoy to laugh. Love God and have an appreciation for art and music of all types. But with all this in mind I still really enjoy writing on a variety of subjects and styles.

Posted on March 29, 2012, in Top Stories and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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